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Knife Safety

Knife injuries account for a significant number of injuries compared to any other hand tool. Safety measures in the workplace also include preventing such knife injuries.

The course Knife Safety discusses the precautions to be taken while using knives and using the right knife for different jobs. It also describes the importance of maintaining and storing cutting devices in good condition and what to do in case of a knife injury.


After taking this course, the learner will be able to:

  • List the causes of the knife injuries and their preventive measures
  • Take the appropriate precautions while using knives
  • Maintain knives properly
  • Select the right knife for the job at hand
  • Practice proper medical care in case of a knife injury

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Get in touch with us to obtain the course, with access for one year, hosted on our LMS – Effectus.

Get in touch with us if you need the course:

For multiple users
Hosted on your LMS, with your corporate branding
To be customized with content specific to your organization