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Rapid eLearning Solutions to Fast-Track Employee Learning

Train your learners anytime, anywhere, in any format, on any device!

Untold Learnings of L&D from the Voice of eLearning Champions!

Rapid eLearning Solutions to Fast-Track Employee Learning

Train your learners anytime, anywhere, in any format, on any device!

Unlock Impact!

Tune into the eLearning Champion podcast by CommLab India.

We bring the unheard, untold success stories of L&D pros and eLearning Champions into the spotlight.

Our endeavor is to help the L&D community grow and thrive through shared learning experiences.


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Conversations with a Learning Leader ft. Tom Kuhlmann

Starting the "Conversations with a Learning Leader" Series with Tom Kuhlmann, Chief Learning Architect at Articulate In this episode, Shalini and Tom shed light on many aspects of eLearning, corporate training, learning technology, and the impact of AI in Learning Design and Development. 

Conversations with a Learning Leader ft. Jaren Krchnavi

In this episode of "Conversations with a Learning Leader" Series, we speak to Jaren Krchnavi, Head of Sales Enablement – Siemens Smart Infrastructure Shalini and Jaren shed light on many aspects of sales enablement in corporate training, learning technology, and the impact of digital learning in Sales Training. 

Conversations with a Learning Leader ft. Catherine Grus

In this episode of the "Conversations with a Learning Leader" Series, we speak to Catherine Grus, Chief Education Officer at the American Psychological Association (APA). Catherine shares innovative ways to integrate psychology into learning and development and how it plays a crucial role in corporate training.

Conversations with a Learning Leader ft. Kevin Alster

In this episode of the "Conversations with a Learning Leader" Series, we speak to Kevin Alster, Head of Synthesia Academy at Synthesia. Kevin shares his insights on Video Based Learning, AI-powered Avatars, and exciting innovations in learning technology. into learning and development and how it plays a crucial role in corporate training. Join Kevin and fellow Learning Leaders at LearnFlux, 2024. Click the link for more details -

Conversations with a Learning Leader ft. Enrique Olives

In this episode of the "Conversations with a Learning Leader" Series, we speak to Enrique Olives, Head of Product Marketing, Vyond. Enrique shares his insights on Video Based Learning, How GenAI Is Helping the Enterprise Win in 2024. Join Enrique and fellow Learning Leaders at LearnFlux, 2024. Click the link for more details -

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